The Relationship between Adam Conant and Melissa Glaser.
Adam and Melissa haven't interacted in the first few episodes, with their friendship given more screen-time in the later half of the season. Some have perceived their relationship to have potentially romantic undertones that could have been explored more had the show renewed.
Early History[edit]
Little is known about the early history between Melissa and Adam, other than the fact that they have been friends for a while, prior to the Pilot. They presumably met sometime during their childhood, however this was not explored. It is unlikely that there has been a prior romantic involvement between the two given Adam's relationship with Diana and Melissa's friendship with her.
Season One[edit]
Adam and Melissa have a relationship yet to be explored, but it is presumed they are mutual friends through Diana. In Sacrifice, Melissa felt sorry over the breakup between Adam and Cassie. When Adam asks her and Faye for help with a hockey banquet that was being held at the Boathouse later that night Melissa says yes. Melissa and Adam bond when she asks for his help in impressing a hockey jock, later when Adam finds out the same jock has a girlfriend he attacks him. When Faye and Melissa talk to Adam, Adam tehave a relationship yet to be explored, but it is presumed they are mutual friends through Diana
In Crystal, Adam and Melissa seem to be getting closer, and closer, and closer as friends. Adam helps Melissa find her families crystal at her grandmother's. They later go to the mine to find the Armstrong crystal when Adam almost falls into a hole Melissa saves him. They have a rare moment but move on.
In Traitor, Adam, and Melissa are at Janes wake together. Later Melissa and Adam look for his grandfather's crystal at the Boathouse Adam tells her about his kiss with Cassie at her grandmothers wake and how he felt. Melissa grabs some liquor for them to get into his grandfather's head. Adam remembered a trick his grandfather could do to cloak a coin. Adam does the trick but can't remember how he uncloaked it. Melissa remembers seeing something written on the coin and Adam shades it on paper. Together they said the words uncloaking the coin and a secret compartment where the coin was hanging inside was a box together Adam and Melissa discover a way to find his grandfather hid the crystal.
At the abandoned house Adam and Melissa found out his grandfather hid the crystal somewhere in the school. In Prom, Adam walks in on Melissa and a Resurrected Nick who, on seeing Adam, tries to run. Melissa tries to stop Nick but he pushes her into a table. Once Nick has fled, Adam goes to help Melissa, holding her in his arms protectively. When Adam and Melissa are alone in the hallway at prom, Adam asks Melissa if she's alright. Melissa tells him that they'll never have a normal life again, nor will they enjoy another prom. Adam then has Melissa turn off the lights in the hallway and sets the music from the prom into the hallway, together Adam and Melissa share a dance, as Melissa thanks Adam and rest her head on his shoulder.
In Family when Adam leaves Melissa and Jake so he can see if Cassie or Diana are dead Melissa stops him and gives him a deep hug and looks sad as he leaves.